Chakra Balancing Course

Chakra is a concept which refers to wheel like rings and are the entry gates of the Aura. The word Chakra in Sanskrit means a wheel or disc. As per Indian medicine they are believed to exist in every part of a persons body i.e. within the physical body resides a body double, a spiritual body, that contains the chakras. The Chakras are said to be "force centers" or centers of activity, permeating energy from a point on the physical body. They absorb and transmit energies to and from the universe and its objects such as people or even things. There are considered to be 88000 chakras in a human body, basically covering every part of the body. The majority of these chakras are small and hence insignificant, but 40 of these chakras have significant function and are there in hands, feet, finger tips, shoulders. Along the central line of the body, lie the seven major chakras and are believed to interact with the body's ductless endocrine glands and lymphatic system by feeding in good bio-energies and disposing of unwanted bio-energies. Together these chakras are responsible for the physical, mental or spiritual well-being of a person. You can also learn about the activity of these chakras and if unbalanced, how can they adversely affect a persons well-being.