Indian Vedic Astrology Course


Course Description

In this course participants will learn about the origin and fundamentals of Vedic astrology and chart interpretation through the planets, houses, dashas (State of planets), yogas (Calculation of planetary positions that lead to a result for an individual), aspects; remedial actions through gem therapy, mantras (sound(s) / word(s) capable of creating transformation in a persons lives) and deities; and introduction to Nakshatras, Muhurta (Auspicious beginning)and Vedic methods of timing, including the Vedic calendar.

Course Pre-requisites

Any individual who has deep interest to learn about Indian Vedic Astrology. No previous background in Vedic Astrology is required for those who want to take the course, but a background in Vedic or Western Astrology can be always helpful. This course requires determination and discipline from students, as it could sometimes become challenging, due to complex nature of the course structure. Additional reading would be required


Attendance Certificate shall be provided

Courses / Workshops Offered :-